The end of a relationship is an incredibly difficult and painful time in your life. We understand that. The only thing that even comes close is the death of a loved one and, for most people, divorce is worse. Remember that this will hopefully be the hardest thing you have to face in your life. Be kind to yourself. Understand that you may not be functioning at the top of your game. Or, you may feel like you are doing fine and then find yourself unexpectedly weeping in the grocery store cereal aisle. That is normal and it is important to allow yourself to deal with your grief, anger and sadness.
Most importantly, please remember two things. First, this too shall pass. And second, we can help you. We can comfort you, talk you off the ledge and fight for you. I love this kind of work because of the incredible sense of accomplishment I get in seeing the difference between our first meeting with our clients and our last. Our goal is to have you walk out of our office with your head held high, excited about and ready for the next step in your life.
If you want to talk to someone who understands what you are going through or if you are ready to think about some of the more practical aspects of the divorce, please call me.